\version "2.8.1" \paper { between-system-padding = #1 ragged-bottom=##f ragged-last-bottom=##f } \header { title = "Cinq Préludes " subtitle = "Opus 16" subsubtitle = "-----" composer = "A. Scriabine (1872-1915)" opus = "Opus 16 n°1" instrument = "N°1" copyright = "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5" % These are headers used by the Mutopia Project % http://www.mutopiaproject.org/ mutopiatitle = "Préludes opus 16" mutopiacomposer = "ScriabineA" mutopiaopus = "O 16 n°1" mutopiainstrument = "Piano" date = "composer's dates" source = "M.P.Belaïeff, Leipzig. 1897" style = "Romantic" copyright = "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5" maintainer = "Philippe Hézaine" maintainerEmail = "philippe.hezaine@free.fr" lastupdated = "2006/Apr/30" footer = "Mutopia-2006/05/08-759" tagline = \markup { \override #'(box-padding . 1.0) \override #'(baseline-skip . 2.7) \box \center-align { \small \line { Sheet music from \with-url #"http://www.MutopiaProject.org" \line { \teeny www. \hspace #-1.0 MutopiaProject \hspace #-1.0 \teeny .org \hspace #0.5 } • \hspace #0.5 \italic Free to download, with the \italic freedom to distribute, modify and perform. } \line { \small \line { Typeset using \with-url #"http://www.LilyPond.org" \line { \teeny www. \hspace #-1.0 LilyPond \hspace #-1.0 \teeny .org } by \maintainer \hspace #-1.0 . \hspace #0.5 Copyright © 2006. \hspace #0.5 Reference: \footer } } \line { \teeny \line { Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License, for details see: \hspace #-0.5 \with-url #"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5" http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5 } } } } } upper = \relative c'' { \clef treble \key b \major \time 3/4 \partial 8 \override TupletNumber #'transparent = ##t \override TupletBracket #'transparent = ##t \once \override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'(-5 . 2) r8^\markup { \bold "Andante" } \override Score.MetronomeMark #'padding = #2.5 \tempo 4=40 R2. | R2. | \break gis'4\( fis8 e \times 2/3 {dis8[ cis dis]} | \times 2/3 {fis4 e8}\times 2/3 {dis8[ cis dis]} gis,4 cis8 b \times 2/3 {gis8[ ais b]} dis cis \break gis2 fis4\) cis''\( b8[ a!] \times 2/3 {gis8 fis gis} \break \times 2/3 {b4 gis8} \times 2/3 {fis8[ e fis]} b,4 e8[ dis] \times 2/3 {gis,8[ ais b]} dis8[ cis] b2.\) \break \voiceOne << { \stemDown \times 2/3 {ais'8^-^\( gis^- ais^-} s4 \stemUp \times 2/3 {ais'8 gis ais} dis,4 cis8[ b] ais[ gis] s4 s4 \times 2/3 {gis'8 fis gis\)} \break cis,4^\( b8[ a!] gis[ fis] \override Score.MetronomeMark #'transparent = ##t \tempo 4=44 \times 2/3 {gis8 fisis gis} b,4\tempo 4=48 g'! \times 2/3 {fis8 eis fis}\tempo 4=52 b,4 dis\) \break \textSpannerDown \override TextSpanner #'padding = #1.9 \override TextSpanner #'edge-text = #'("dim.") dis4^\( fis,\startTextSpan b\tempo 4=48 dis\tempo 4=44 cis\tempo 4=34 e, } \context Voice = "1" { \voiceTwo \override TupletNumber #'transparent = ##t \override TupletBracket #'transparent = ##t s4 dis'2^- b8\rest fis'8 eis[ dis] dis[ gis] \times 2/3 {gis8^-[ fis^- gis^-]} cis,2^- b8\rest e8 dis[ cis] b[ fis'] 4 dis, dis, dis dis e2 s4 \oneVoice } >> \tempo 4=40 gis'4\stopTextSpan\)^\( fis8 e \times 2/3 {dis8[ cis dis]} | \break \times 2/3 {fis4 e8}\times 2/3 {dis8[ cis dis]} gis,4 cis8 b \times 2/3 {gis8[ ais b]} \times 2/3 {dis4 cis8} gis2 fis4\) \break cis''^\( b8[ a!] \times 2/3 {gis8 fis gis} \times 2/3 {b4 gis8} \times 2/3 {fis8[ e fis]} b,4\) cis^\( b8[ a!] \times 2/3 {gis8 fis gis} \break \times 2/3 {b4 gis8} \times 2/3 {fis8[ e fis]} b,4\) fis'4^\( gis' b, \textSpannerDown \override TextSpanner #'padding = #1.9 \override TextSpanner #'edge-text = #'("cresc.") ais cis'\startTextSpan e, \break dis fis' a,! gis b' e,\) g,!\stopTextSpan\( cis' fis,, \break \textSpannerDown \override TextSpanner #'padding = #1.9 \override TextSpanner #'edge-text = #'("dim.") ais'\startTextSpan e, g'! g,! cis fis, ais\stopTextSpan e g!\) \break b,4\rest \break 2. 2.~ 2. R2. \bar "|." } lower = \relative c { \clef bass \key b \major \time 3/4 \partial 8 \voiceOne << { \override TupletNumber #'transparent = ##t \override TupletBracket #'transparent = ##t s8 %mes 1 \times 2/3 {s4. b'4^- cis4^- gis'8^- s8} \times 2/3 {s4. b,4 cis4 gis'8 s8} \times 2/3 {s4. b,4 cis4 gis'8 s8} \times 2/3 {s4. b,4 cis4 gis'8 s8} \times 2/3 {s4. b,4 cis4 gis'8 s8} %mes 6 \times 2/3 {s4. gis,4 ais4 fis'8 s8} \times 2/3 {s4. e4 fis4 cis'8 s8} \times 2/3 {s4. cis,4 dis4 b'8 s8} \times 2/3 {s4. cis,4 e4 gis8 s8} s2. \times 2/3 {s4. gis4 b4 dis8 s8} s2. \times 2/3 {s4. fis,4 a!4 cis8 s8} s2. s2. s2. s2. s2. \times 2/3 {s4. b,4 cis4 gis'8 s8} \times 2/3 {s4. b,4 cis4 gis'8 s8} \times 2/3 {s4. b,4 cis4 gis'8 s8} \times 2/3 {s4. gis,4 ais4 fis'8 s8} \times 2/3 {s4. cis4 dis4 b'8 s8} \times 2/3 {s4. cis,4 e4 b'8 s8} \times 2/3 {s4. cis,4 dis4 b'8 s8} \times 2/3 {s4. cis,4 e4 b'8 s8} \times 2/3 {s4. b,4 cis4 gis'8 s8} \times 2/3 {s4. gis,4 ais4 gis'8 s8} \times 2/3 {s4. cis,4 dis4 cis'8 s8} \times 2/3 {s4. cis,4 e4 b'8 s8} \times 2/3 {s4. e,4 fis4 g!8 s8} \times 2/3 {s4. e4 fis4 g!8 s8} \times 2/3 {s4. e4 fis4 g!8 s8} \times 2/3 {s4. e4 fis4 g!8 s8} s2.*8 } %fin de la 1ere voix s8 \context Voice = "1" { \voiceTwo \override TupletNumber #'transparent = ##t \override TupletBracket #'transparent = ##t %mes 1 \stemUp fis,,8\( \times 2/3 {b,8[ fis' cis']} \stemDown \times 2/3 {b'8[ gis cis]} \times 2/3 {e,[ gis'\) fis,,]\(} \stemUp \times 2/3 {b,8 fis' cis'} \stemDown \times 2/3 {b'8[ gis cis]} \times 2/3 {e, gis'\) fis,,\(} \break \stemUp \times 2/3 {b,8 fis' cis'} \stemDown \times 2/3 {b'8[ gis cis]} \times 2/3 {e, gis'\) fis,,\(} \stemUp \times 2/3 {b,8 fis' cis'} \stemDown \times 2/3 {b'8[ gis cis]} \times 2/3 {e, gis'\) fis,,\(} \stemUp \times 2/3 {b,8 fis' cis'} \stemDown \times 2/3 {b'8[ gis cis]} \times 2/3 {e, gis'\) fis,,\(} \break \stemUp \times 2/3 {b,8 fis' cis'} \stemDown \times 2/3 {gis'8[ fis ais]} \times 2/3 {e fis'\) fis,,\(} \stemUp \times 2/3 {b,8 b' fis'} \stemDown \times 2/3 {e'8[ cis fis]} \times 2/3 {a, cis'\) b,,\(} \stemUp \times 2/3 {b,8 b' fis'} \stemDown \times 2/3 {cis'8[ b dis]} \times 2/3 {a b'\) b,,\(} \stemUp \times 2/3 {cis,8 gis' e'} \stemDown \times 2/3 {cis'8[ gis e']} \times 2/3 {ais,! gis'\) gis,,\(} \stemUp \times 2/3 {gis,8 gis' dis'} \stemDown \times 2/3 {dis'8[ b gis']} \times 2/3 {dis gis,\) dis\(} \stemUp \times 2/3 {gis,8 dis' b'} \stemDown \times 2/3 {gis'8[ fis b]} \times 2/3 {dis, dis'\) b,\(} \stemUp \times 2/3 {cis,8 b' cis} \stemDown \times 2/3 {gis'8[ gis, eis']} b'16 cis, b\) cis,\( ~ \stemUp \times 2/3 {8 cis' a'!} \stemDown \times 2/3 {fis'8[ e a!]} \times 2/3 {cis, cis'\) a,\(} \stemUp \times 2/3 {b,8 a'! b} \stemDown \times 2/3 {fis'8[ fis, dis']} a'!16 b, a\) b,\( \stemUp \times 2/3 {e,8 b' b'~ } \stemDown \times 2/3 {b8[ b b,]} \times 2/3 {eis, dis' b'\) } \stemUp \times 2/3 {fis,8\( dis' b'~ } \stemDown \times 2/3 {b8[ b dis,]} \times 2/3 {g,! dis' b'\) } \stemUp \times 2/3 {fis,8\( dis' b'} \stemDown \times 2/3 {ais8[ gis fis]} \times 2/3 {gis fis b,\) } \stemUp \times 2/3 {fis,8\( fis' cis'} \stemDown \times 2/3 {ais'8[ gis fis]} b16 gis cis,\) fis,\( \stemUp \times 2/3 {b,8 fis' cis'} \stemDown \times 2/3 {b'8[ gis cis]} \times 2/3 {e, gis'\) fis,,\(} \stemUp \times 2/3 {b,8 fis' cis'} \stemDown \times 2/3 {b'8[ gis cis]} \times 2/3 {e, gis'\) fis,,\(} \stemUp \times 2/3 {b,8 fis' cis'} \stemDown \times 2/3 {b'8[ gis cis]} \times 2/3 {e, gis'\) fis,,\(} \stemUp \times 2/3 {b,8 fis' cis'} \stemDown \times 2/3 {gis'8[ fis ais]} \times 2/3 {e fis'\) fis,,\(} \stemUp \times 2/3 {b,8 b' fis'} \stemDown \times 2/3 {cis'8[ b dis]} \times 2/3 {a b'\) b,,\(} \stemUp \times 2/3 {b,8 b' gis'} \stemDown \times 2/3 {cis8[ b e]} \times 2/3 {gis, b'\) b,,\(} \stemUp \times 2/3 {b,8 b' fis'} \stemDown \times 2/3 {cis'8[ b dis]} \times 2/3 {a b'\) b,,\(} \stemUp \times 2/3 {b,8 b' gis'} \stemDown \times 2/3 {cis8[ b e]} \times 2/3 {gis, b'\) b,,\(} \stemUp \times 2/3 {b,8 fis' cis'} \stemDown \times 2/3 {b'8[ gis cis]} \times 2/3 {e, gis'\) fis,,\(} \stemUp \times 2/3 {b,8 fis' cis'} \stemDown \times 2/3 {gis'8[ fis ais]} \times 2/3 {e gis'\) fis,,\(} \stemUp \times 2/3 {b,8 fis' fis'} \stemDown \times 2/3 {cis'8[ b dis]} \times 2/3 {a! cis'\) b,,\(} \stemUp \times 2/3 {b,8 b' gis'} \stemDown \times 2/3 {cis8[ b e]} \times 2/3 {gis, b'\) b,,\(} \stemUp \times 2/3 {b,8 b' g'!} \stemDown \times 2/3 {e'8[ cis fis]} \times 2/3 {ais,! g'!\) b,,\(} \stemUp \times 2/3 {b,8 b' g'!} \stemDown \times 2/3 {e'8[ cis fis]} \times 2/3 {ais,! g'!\) b,,\(} \stemUp \times 2/3 {b,8 b' g'!} \stemDown \times 2/3 {e'8[ cis fis]} \times 2/3 {ais,! g'!\) b,,\(} \stemUp \times 2/3 {b,8 b' g'!} \stemDown \times 2/3 {e'8[ cis fis]} \times 2/3 {ais,! g'!\) b,,\(} \stemUp \times 2/3 {b,8 b' g'!} \stemDown \times 2/3 {e'8[ ais,! c!]} \times 2/3 {ais e c!} \times 2/3 {ais'8 e g,!} \stemUp b,4\) d'4\rest d4\rest 4 2. 2. #(set-octavation -1) \set Staff.ottavation = #"8" b,2. ~ b2 #(set-octavation 0) d''4\rest \bar "|." \oneVoice } >> } dynamics = { s8\mf s2 s8 \once \override DynamicText #'extra-offset = #'(2.7 . -0.5) s8\pp s2. \once \override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'(-0.7 . 3) s2_\markup { \italic \small "cantabile" } s8 s8\< s16 s16\! s16\> s16 s16\! s16 s4. \once \override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'(-0.7 . 2) s2._\markup { \italic \small "cresc." } s2. s2.\mf s2. \once \override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'(0 . 2.5) s2._\markup { \italic \small "dim." } s2.\p s4\p s4 \once \override DynamicText #'extra-offset = #'(-2 . 14.5) s4\pp \override Hairpin #'extra-offset = #'(1 . 4) s16\< s8 s16\! s8\> s8 s8 s8\! s2 \once \override DynamicText #'extra-offset = #'(-2 . 14.5) s4\pp s2. \once \override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'(0 . 2.5) s4_\markup { \italic \small "cresc." } \once \override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'(-10 . 13.5) s4_\markup { \bold \small "accel." } s4 s2. \once \override DynamicText #'extra-offset = #'(0.1 . 2) s8\f \once \override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'(0 . 12.5) s8_\markup { \italic \small "rubato" } s4 s4 \once \override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'(2.5 . 10.5) s2._\markup { \bold \small "rit." } s2.\pp s2.*3 \once \override DynamicText #'extra-offset = #'(0.5 . 4) s4\mf \once \override DynamicText #'extra-offset = #'(-11 . -0.7) s4\pp s4 s2. \once \override DynamicText #'extra-offset = #'(-0.9 . 12) s2.\pp s2.*5 \once \override DynamicText #'extra-offset = #'(1 . 4) s2.\f s2.*2 \once \override DynamicText #'extra-offset = #'(0.9 . 3.3) s4\p s8 \once \override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'(0 . 3.6) s8_\markup { \italic \small "dim." } s4 s2.*2 s4 \once \override DynamicText #'extra-offset = #'(0.1 . 0) s2\pp s2. \once \override DynamicText #'extra-offset = #'(0.1 . 0) s2.\ppp s2.*3 %\bar "|." } \score { \context PianoStaff << \set PianoStaff.instrument = \markup{ \fontsize #6 {"1."} \hspace #1.0 } \context Staff=upper \upper \context Dynamics=dynamics \dynamics \context Staff=lower << \clef bass \lower >> >> \layout { ragged-last = ##f \context { \type "Engraver_group" \name Dynamics \alias Voice % So that \cresc works, for example. \consists "Output_property_engraver" \override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-5 . 5) \consists "Script_engraver" \consists "Dynamic_engraver" \consists "Text_engraver" \override TextScript #'font-size = #2 \override TextScript #'font-shape = #'italic \override DynamicText #'extra-offset = #'(0 . 2.5) \override Hairpin #'extra-offset = #'(0 . 3) \consists "Skip_event_swallow_translator" \consists "Axis_group_engraver" } \context { \PianoStaff \accepts Dynamics \override VerticalAlignment #'forced-distance = #6 } } } \score { \context PianoStaff << \context Staff=upper \upper %\dynamics \context Staff=lower << \lower %\dynamics >> >> \midi { \tempo 4=40 \context { \type "Performer_group" \name Dynamics } \context { \PianoStaff \accepts Dynamics } } }